10.17.2019 (1960 days ago)


1960 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

To complain or not to complain.....

I had organized a trip that included a lunch for about 35 people. It was a nice place with a water view. The buffet was set up with an array of choices. Things seemed fine.

A day or two later I received an email from my contact at the place asking how things had gone. Before I sent my usual “fine” and thanks, I thought about it and reached out to a few people who were at lunch.

Two complaints surfaced. I’m not sure that either would have occurred to me.

First, apparently the event was not known to the people at reception and the guests were not directed where to go.

Second, there was no-one to clear the tables. People who returned with dessert and coffee had to push their dirty lunch plates aside.

Rather than email, I called my contact and advised her of the two complaints. Apologies and “I’ll check into it”. Two days later, an offer of a small credit for the inconvenience.

I conveyed the complaints as “constructive criticism” with the objective that the place would improve its operations. I didn’t convey the complaints to elicit a monetary concession.

I do not consider myself to be a complainer by nature and wonder how this last incident might impact me in the future.

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