07.25.2019 (2046 days ago)


2046 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

How do you get to work?

I’m thinking about this as I ride the Long Island Railroad for a day of meetings in the City.

Over the years I have “commuted” for untold hours in almost every imaginable mode of transportation. I have read, sometimes with amazement, sometimes with admiration, about commuters who retire and celebrate forty years of continuous commuting on the LIRR.

For me, it’s been a varied feast. Largely dictated by where I’ve lived and where I’ve worked, I’ve taken buses and subways, commuter buses, and commuter trains (Metro North and the LIRR) and enjoyed nice walks from Penn Station. I’ve driven — for years over an hour each way and more recently, an acceptable twenty minutes — and endured.

The most memorable “commute” was running to work. (I trust that this was also Fred’s was memorable commute.)


So, I ask again, how do you get to work?

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