02.17.2025 (17 days ago)

Commitment and Social Media

Commitment and Social Media
17 days ago 3 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I was watching the movie Vengeance this week and, in the opening scenes, two male characters are discussing commitment. Their view on commitment was essentially, in this time of social media and instant gratification, why should they have to commit to anything? With endless options at their fingertips, why commit to personal relationships or long term goals?


The focus of their discussion was that that with a touch of a button, they can have the next great thing, whether it be a new relationship or a new career.


Obviously, the purpose of the discussion was to make the viewer think. Is the constant exposure to curated highlights of other people’s lives creating unrealistic expectations, leading to dissatisfaction and a fear of missing out? Or is there a positive side?  Can it be used to strengthen certain connections and commitments through sites devoted to networking or personal growth?


Where is the middle ground?

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