Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
11.04.2019 (1953 days ago)

Coming To A Workplace Near You?

Coming To A Workplace Near You?
1953 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Microsoft recently tried an experiment. This past summer at its campus in Japan,  the workweek was cut from five to four days. Not four extended days – four regular workdays.

Along with the cut in days came a new focus on time management. Meetings were restricted to 30 minutes and standard attendance at those meeting was cut. Other strategies were put in place too.

The result? A 40% increase in productivity. Forty percent.

Microsoft apparently wasn’t the first company to experiment this way. Others around the world have done so. In fact, this kind of concept isn’t new. France, for example, gave its employees the right to disconnect from their jobs, limiting email and other communications after hours.

Can you imagine these kinds of rules in the US? Would you consider experimenting at your business?

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