Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
07.22.2015 (3505 days ago)

Coming Clean

Coming Clean
3505 days ago 9 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:Manhattan, Washer, Dryer, Laundry

I'm just wondering who does their own laundry? I do. I've tried giving it to the guys downstairs, but they put it away wet or use strange smelling softeners or fold thing so oddly, I'd just rather do it myself. I have to use the laundry in the basement of my coop. Its a luxury in Manhattan to have your own washer-dryer. Statistically, only 20% of apartments on this island have their own equipment. A real status symbol. Sometimes the real estate agent will make sure the dryer is running during an open house just so people know.

And people can get quite irrational about it. Street Easy did a survey to find out what people would pay per month to have their own washer-dryer and not have to share, many people said over $200 month...

During the Civil War, washer women were paid more than soldiers.

In military lingo, a laundry bag is a parachute.

At Walt Disney World they do 285,000 lbs of laundry every DAY. That mouse must be clean.

So what do you think? Does Fred Klein wash his own blue jeans? Does Norman Spizz handwash his hankies?


We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry. -E. B. White

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