08.14.2014 (3847 days ago)

Comic Relief

Comic Relief
3847 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Unfortunately, for me, there is no comic relief. I am looking for it, but can’t find it. I remember them --  Whoopi, Billy and Robin --at Shea Stadium in their Comic Relief T Shirts, putting a smile on every face in the place. But the memory, or a You Tube video, won't bring a smile to my face. Not now, not yet, maybe someday. The old clips only emphasize the tragedy and punctuate the loss.
I had the same feeling watching Philip Seymour Hoffman in “A Most Wanted Man”. No relief, only loss.
Robin’s dear friends and fellow Comic Reliefers said it best. Whoopi echoed Billy who said “There are No words”. Interesting for those who master words - speaking about a fellow master of words. Maybe they’re right and there are no words. Certainly, for me, there are no answers.         Someday, when I’m not looking for answers, I’ll watch a clip and laugh.

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