12.18.2024 (79 days ago)

Cold temps not for me anymore

Cold temps not for me anymore
79 days ago 9 comments Categories: Weather Tags:

So last week I had the pleasure of traveling to NY to attend the Gotham Holiday Party as well as my work holiday gathering and seeing a few close friends for dinner. Of course, I also got to visit several customers and prospects, since the bills aren’t disappearing by themselves.

I normally don’t really focus on the weather too much, but this trip had me in for some unpleasant experiences. My 2nd day in, the skies opened and drenched anyone outside. I of course left my umbrella in my car before parking to take the train to the city. Wet coming, going and in between around the city. I had parked about 5 blocks from the train station in Valley Stream where I had been staying and the walk to the car was particularly nasty, wet and cold as the sun was down when I got off the train.

The next day the temps dipped below freezing. I felt this in my bones when I got out of the car driving around Brooklyn. The Air B and B I was staying at had marginal heat and I had no control to raise it up to a more desirable temperature. I did not pack warm enough for that, so it was a tough night. My last day in NY, I woke to 28 degrees. I had to run some errands, visited some clients and closed a deal (thankfully) to end the trip on a high note. But the cold kept me realizing how much I no longer can tolerate it after being in Florida for just over three years. Did my blood thin out finally, perhaps. I have heard three years is about what it takes. I just didn’t like the mix of wet followed by cold. It was a bit too much for this warm-blooded being.

How do you like your cold weather? Fred, Key West is just a few weeks away, paradise for sure at this time of the year.

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