
Coding for the holidays

Coding for the holidays
826 days ago 5 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:QR Code, The Public Ought to Know,, Chanukah, Christmas, Gotham Queens, Gotham Business POWERBreakfast, Gotham Green Awards®

As the week began I received an email from my friend and Gotham colleague Amparo Connors who runs an employee placement firm (temps and permanent); Amparo reached out to those she usually sends holiday/season’s greetings/ new year wishes concerning the intended token. Our discussion led me to suggest that topic for the joint meeting of Gotham Queens (aka “GQ” – which I “mentor”) and Gotham Business POWER Breakfast (which I chair). GQ’s chair Fred Morante is an associate of my printer, Scott Levine of Minuteman-Bellerose, so I sought the topic a particular fit. A number of suggestions and shared intended “tokens” dominated that part of the discussion, including whether to mail or email, if time still existing to order some items, including printing. One idea that intrigued me going in and still does involves the use of a QR code. Often it points to a website or a file. My business card includes one (see image at upper left) that points to my website, I could consider one that points to a site to purchase my e-book, The Public Ought to Know. Many of the political media I see and work with include a QR code connecting to a candidate’s website or straight to a contribution page. My thinking involves a playlist I usually promote in advance of Chanukah and Christmas, “Happy Holidays in Song. My post-Thanksgiving blog usually links to it; this year (and probably going forward), the timing of the Gotham GREEN Awards® announcement this Tuesday just ahead of Thanksgiving, makes sense that my blog focus on those worthy individuals, programs and projects. Thus, this early blog to share the tunes and a QR code to the playlist on my website

Happy Holidays in Song

and also the YouTube

Happy Holidays in Song YouTube playlist

and Apple Music

Apple Music Holiday Songs Playlist

playlists seems in order. Thus, this series of QR codes. Now I need to determine further how beyond this blog and social media promotion of same that I deploy the “images” linking to each ‘list.

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