Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
02.18.2018 (2572 days ago)

Closer to home

Closer to home
2572 days ago 22 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:home, house, Grand Junction

If my recollections remain correct I’ve called ten places home, three almost a sort of hiatus between more longer term stays. I thought about that as my son looks forward to his latest home. Two shared with his parents. My son experienced three of the City’s five boroughs as a home. I’ve remained in Queens with a brief early stay across its eastern border. Some experience many homes. Some not so many. My daughter has only known two homes; her mom four.


Even my latest (last?) home has undergone some adaptations; same address/ location but changes occurred within; perhaps that means a new place of sorts. Let others decides on that.


By the way, our daughter gave our home a name; after a Poco song of course (composed by its one original member).



So how many place have you called home?


(as to the blog title, here's what inspired it.)

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