Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
07.08.2022 (979 days ago)

Cindy Somma, Red Bandanna Recipient

Cindy Somma, Red Bandanna Recipient
979 days ago 26 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Last weekend there was an article in Newsday about a kidney donor which drew tears to my eyes and evoked memories of Gothamite Cindy Somma winning Gotham’s highest honor, the Red Bandanna Award for donating her kidney.  

After sending her the pictured article I telephoned Cindy and asked her to share her experience with me (us). 

What she related follows and is compelling to say the least.  

It all started when she learned that her second cousin’s dialysis was failing and her family was seeking a kidney donor.   
Upon learning this, Cindy thought hard and long about whether she would be a donor and concluded that if her daughter was in her cousin's situation she would want someone to step up and was soon tested for compatibility. 

The test requires a number of matching indicators and she met 3 of 5.  In the end she was part of a 6 person kidney donation collaboration.  As a result, her cousin received a perfect match from someone else and Cindy’s kidney was donated to another women.  

I never knew of such a creative communal donation concept.  

Cindy was operated upon for 8 hours at the world famous Mayo Clinic and recuperated in Key West.  
Today she has no regrets and the only remnant of the 11 year ago procedure is a small scar below her belly button.  Cindy reports that she lives a productive and vibrant life.  She adds that she would be happy to talk to anyone who might be on the donation fence.  

As to her 2014 Red Bandanna Award, Cindy recalls being “absolutely shocked” when she heard her name called and to this day believes she did not deserve it, as to her mind her donation pales in comparison to Welles Remy Crowther’s “ultimate sacrifice”.

Cindy is truly the personification of our Gotham mantra:  It’s better to give than receive, but what goes around comes around!


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