One of the most valuable things my father ever taught me is that "There are three sides to every story: your side, my side and the truth".
In these politically charged times we are constantly inundated with strong opinions on Facebook, Twitter or political list serves. I am struck by the self assured vehemence of people whose position or opinions are diametrically opposed to mine. Not just random people, but oft times friends (and relatives) who I have a long fruitful history with and whom I respect. I'm constantly tortured by the fact that given our common history and upbringing that we could have such diametrically opposed opinions. So much so that I question my sanity (reality) and or theirs.
The safe solution is just not to talk politics with these good people. However, inevitably, subjects of the day come up and before you know it you're into it.
I could go on and on, but I believe you understand what I'm talking about.
I keep saying and hoping that there will be a day of reckoning, but failing that the solution is to find solace in my father's wisdom and that the Truth will out.
Posted By : hydrajet