03.31.2013 (4360 days ago)


4360 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Thinking of golf, thank you Mitch, we have thought about taking it up this year.  In the past I have played only twice each season -- once at the Gotham outing, and the second time is with my sons and son in law at the Bernstein Annual Father's Day Golf Tournament.  You wouldn't know I only play twice a year with the way I crush my golf cart companion at the Gotham outing, but it is true.  That is not the point though.


My summer passion of course is cycling.  I ride just about every Saturday and Sunday, and if I can squeeze one in during the week I even sometimes take a day off just to ride.


Each time I ride I am out for a few hours.  Golf too takes up a good part of the day.  This dilemma is complicated now by my new little baby granddaughter in Brooklyn.  Over the past three months I have tried to spend one weekend day and a Friday morning or afternoon at my daughter's apartment with them for some special grandpa time.  And let me tell you, it is good!


Hence the dilemma.  Taking a beautiful day off in mid July, it will be a tough choice.   There isn't time for everything.  I wonder when she will be old enough to ride a bike with me.


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