An article in the New York Times last week was about a study that showed that chocolate can improve memory. There is something about flavenol, an antioxidant, especially epicatechin, that does something good to your brain. The study did not mention, however, that it also does something bad to your stomach.
They know about the improved memory because they tested this on mice and snails. After ingesting packets of M&Ms, they were able to remember what they ate for breakfast, but when asked what they did last Saturday night they did not answer, proving that they could not recall.
The study was paid for in part by the Mars Company, which likes to sell a lot of chocolate. That has to make your wonder about the results. Kind of like trusting General Motors to do a test on ignition switches. Still, this is enough to convince me that Woody Allen was right. At least when it comes to mice and snails.
Posted By : hydrajet