02.01.2023 (753 days ago)

Chimney Sweeps, Paper Boys, App Developers and Beyond ...

Chimney Sweeps, Paper Boys, App Developers and Beyond ...
753 days ago 13 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:jobs, careers, change, innovation

Last week at the Gotham Happy Hour there was the usual catching up, general silliness and good conversation. We started talking about jobs we had in the past and some mused about professions other than their own that they might have chosen.  


That got me thinking about jobs that have disappeared over the years .. the TV repairman, typesetters, and elevator operators. I thought of the milkman,  but now we have Amazon to deliver so delivery still happens. Pinsetters became obsolete and the ice man no longer cometh. Long gone are the lamplighters and elevator operators.


These days there are also plenty of opportunities available that didn’t exist before. There are jobs that I never heard of, don’t have a clue about, and will leave for others to do. Even in fields I am familiar with there are new specialties and  sub-specialties. 


Change is inevitable. I feel like we live in the space between obsolescence and innovation and like to think I am prepared to ride whichever wave comes along. What changes do you see on the horizon? Are there endangered species among us? How ready are you to adapt?

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