12.09.2024 (76 days ago)

Childhood Favorites

Childhood Favorites
76 days ago 12 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

I was recently shopping for food to have in the house for the times when my grandchildren were over. As I looked up and down the aisles, my eyes were struck by a familiar can, Chef Boyardee Beefaroni.


I picked up the can and smiled.  I could still hear the commercial in my head, “We’re having beefaroni. . . beef and macaroni. . .  beefaroni is fun to eat. . . “


As a kid, I loved Beefaroni.  While holding the can I was immediately flooded with memories of my mother heating up a can, or two, for lunch on a weekend afternoon. My brother, sister, and I would sit around the kitchen table together and eat, with my mother hovering nearby.


I held that can and smiled for several minutes.  What childhood food brings back memories that make you smile?



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