Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
09.16.2020 (1641 days ago)


1641 days ago 18 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Cheer*lead*er: A noun,

-An enthusiastic and vocal supporter of someone or something.


Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a cheerleader. My mother would ask me at the start of every school year, “what do you want to be when you grow up.” To her dissatisfaction, every year my answer was always the same. I wanted to be a cheerleader. She used to encourage me to “play the sport”, to “be a participant in the sport, not a cheerleader for other players.” In hindsight, I know what her message was, and still is today. “Get off the bench and play the game.”

BUT, I was a cheerleader. Starting at the age of 5, I wore my cowboy boots and brought my red pom poms to every basketball game for my Uncle Scott(see picture). I sat on the bleachers, next to the high school cheerleaders, with my “D” for Dundee, my pom poms, and sat in awe of my heroes, the cheerleaders. I went on to cheer from 5th grade, through 9th grade basketball and football. I even tried out for the Chicago Bulls, Luvabulls and made the team. Dad sent me back to college, but I still made the team. From there, I taught aerobics at Northern Illinois University and cheered people to fitness. I loved every minute, every herky jump and every cartwheel. I was even married to Mr. New Jersey, the Bodybuilder (Patrick’s Dad).

Everyone needs a cheerleader. It feels good to give support, and it feels good to get supported. Today, I cheer on many of my clients and wish them well in achieving their goals in family and business matters.

If you need a cheer, Carly is here! Call me if you need a boost.

Just ask Mitch!


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