Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
05.27.2023 (628 days ago)

ChatGPT or Me

ChatGPT or Me
628 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last week I published a poem on getting old. To be transparent, as I am, it was ChatGPT generated.


What I posted wasn't exactly what the generative AI produced, but pretty close. I didn't take the time to edit and "humanize" it which I wanted to do. And only one person asked me who created this...Odey.


And that's the interesting and potentially dangerous part. I prompted ChatGPT with a detailed description of what I wanted and the machine wrote the poem. Who owns that content? Is it the machine or me, the human that prompted the machine to write in a specific way?


Right now, no one knows and it's all happening at breakneck speed.

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