Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
05.10.2020 (1762 days ago)

Celebrating A Special Mom.

Celebrating A Special Mom.
1762 days ago 23 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:Mother’s Day

Funny how last weekend I “occupied” my outside spaces; one might think the days that followed would offer more of the same; not a chance; it even snowed – really – while I grilled steaks last night to enjoy with the #1 mom in my life. I decided to plan something special today but cannot share it until later. I hope to pull it off. Normally it’d would appear on a certain calendar but that would blow the surprise.


She deserves her day!


Happy Mother’s Day sweet Shelly!


Happy Mother’s Day also to the moms who complete the trio that matters in my life, and to all the moms.




(Share any special wishes for the mom's in your life.)


(I still find it kind of nice that I get to blog on so many special days.)

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