
Casting off ...

Casting off ...
522 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:success, business, entrepreneur, opportunity, lifestyle, resolutions, baggage

Similar to the tradition of making a resolution at the secular New Year, in many Jewish communities as we move into our new year, people gather at a moving body of water and symbolically cast away things we do not want to continue carrying with us. 


I love this tradition - not because I believe that somehow the trials and tribulations of the past will disappear like the pebbles or bread crumbs cast into the water. I love the tradition of setting aside time to reflect on ways to do things differently so I can be better and do better in the coming year. Then it's on me to make the change happen.


This activity of “casting away” is a reminder that we determine what “baggage” we carry with us or put down and leave behind.


Is there some “excess baggage” you would like to stop schlepping along with you year after year? 

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