04.11.2019 (2154 days ago)


2154 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It was a small innocuous message in a plastic stand on the restaurant table. It could have easily been confused with an invitation to try the breakfast special.
But the message was different. It informed the patron that the restaurant was “cashless”. No further explanation…. just information.
I have mixed feelings about cashless.
On the one hand, it probably doesn’t impact me personally —unless they don’t accept the credit card that I happen to have in my wallet.
On the other hand, I am sensitive to the points raised that “cashless” deprives people who, for any number of reasons, don’t carry (or have) credit cards.
I remember when two dollar bills and dollar coins were in circulation. Merchants were often reluctant to accept them. I remember reminding the reluctant merchant that the currency was “legal tender for all debts, public and private.”

Earlier this week, Rona blogged about keys becoming a thing of the past. Is cash following keys to become our next endangered species?

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