08.03.2015 (3493 days ago)

Cars, Cars, Cars

Cars, Cars, Cars
3493 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Along with most of our home, we lost four cars during Hurricane Sandy. Although it did not feel like it at the time, looking back it was actually a funny sight. Each car seemed to become almost haunted as they each began to flood. The electrical systems went haywire, the lights began flashing on and off, the windshield wipers went on as did the horns. After a few minutes of this each car eventually died. We were lucky in that we were able to replace the cars quickly, within two weeks of Sandy.


It is now almost three years after Sandy and the leases for our replacement cars are almost up. So the conversation around our house lately is centering on cars and replacing cars. My husband drives a Ford Expedition, which was very useful to us when we had to take the kids and their belongings to and from college. Now, since they have all of their own cars, he doesn’t need such a big car. He does, however, like an SUV and we do need a car where we can still fit all four of our kids, but he is considering downsizing to an Arcadia or Explorer.


As for me, I'm not a car person.  I’ve never been one to covet any particular car or an expensive car. I’ve driven smaller inexpensive SUVs like my current Rogue. But, I have always wanted a convertible and I decided that it’s  now time for my “mid-life crisis car.” So, I’ve been looking at Volkswagen Beetle Convertible. I’m nervous about switching to a regular car from my usual SUV but I cannot wait to drive with the top down. It’s the first time I can remember being truly excited about the prospect of a particular car.


Are you a car person? What’s your “mid life crisis car?”




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