Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
06.17.2020 (1736 days ago)

Captain of the Ship

Captain of the Ship
1736 days ago 17 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Creating stabilization in an unstable situation, can be helpful to ourselves, our friends and family. Especially now. Placing ourselves back at the helm of life, can be difficult, but it is very important to try and reframe our thoughts. Our social situation reminds me of being tossed at sea, in the middle of a storm; wondering when, or if its going to be over.

My gal pals and I were discussing the top traits that independent people share. After listing 15 people that were top of mind, we attached the most prodominant traits that each person owned, that screamed, "Follow me, I GOT THIS".

1) Make decisions. Unapologetically, with certainty.

2) Get 'er done! Always get it done.

3) Complain? Never. Express yourself, but for Pete's sake, keep moving.

4) Permission? Ewww. Self motivated. Period.

5) Wait? For what?, For whom? Better be for a good reason.

6) Validation? from no one.

Daily rebalance of schedules is perfectly acceptable in today's circumstances.  Make decisions on principal, not emotion. Appreciate the fight or flight feelings, but make choices your kids would be proud of.

Remind ourselves that we are captains of our own ship.

How are you taking back your ship?

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