05.23.2024 (149 days ago)

Candidates Ask

Candidates Ask
149 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It took only a few days after the candidate won her primary for me to start getting email solicitations from her. Soon, I expect, I’ll be getting text messages from her. And she’s a candidate from another state who I could never vote for.
I’ve been offered the chance to speak to the President and be flown to a special meeting with him and the First Lady.
Seriously, I must get dozens of emails and texts a day from candidates and causes. Naturally, I am getting these messages because I “have supported good causes in the past.”
(No good deed goes unpunished.)
Deleting and unsubscribing doesn’t work and the last thing I am motivated to do is make a contribution.
Here comes another drop-down…..

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