Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
11.17.2018 (2304 days ago)

A metaphysical moment

A metaphysical moment
2304 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It was about two days ago that I was sitting at home staring at the TV but had not turned it on. This dark, blank lifeless flat object seemed to be bekoning to me. Turning it on would mean bringing life, color, sound and images into the room.

The blank screen


I resisted the temptation. It's funny how many times I inadvertantly picked up the remote as if it was an autonomic repsonse.  I sat in quiet for about 30 minutes or so, my brain dancing through both dark and light moments recounting the day or some event in my past. A negative thought pierced my consciousness and I stood up, walked outside the back door onto the porch feeling the trees and life around my house breath.


This isn't the first time I've experienced something like this but it is the first time I've written about it.

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