Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
05.04.2013 (4327 days ago)

Can you?

Can you?
4327 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last Tuesday night we, the Tribal Council, were commenting on when was the last time you turned your technology off. Not surprisingly, none of us turn it off.


In fact, Fred and I get in trouble because our heads are bowed down immersed in email. Those that are with us get very upset because it appears we are not paying attention. We are...albeit only partially.


The last time I actually turned my computer off (I carry it with me at all times) was two weeks ago. But before that...never. Every day of the week I wake up anywhere between 5 and 6A and "crack" my laptop to take care of the overnight emails. And during the day my iPhone serves as my constant companion with a continual stream of emails flowing in.


Although the thought scares me a bit, maybe I should plan a day where I turn everything off. Wonder what that would feel like. Though I can imagine when I turn it back on the enormous amount of emails and information I would need to deal with.


Do you turn yours off?

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