08.11.2013 (4176 days ago)

Camping Days

Camping Days
4176 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My son and daughter in law and another couple are camping near Lake George this weekend.  He tells me after they park the car there is a canoe waiting for them by the shore.   They have to pack the canoe with all of their equipment, and paddle to a small uninhaited island, and that is where they unload and set up camp and stay for the weekend.


The last time he went, he said, there were no paddles in the canoe so they had to find some suitable driftwood to use as make shift paddles, and by then it was dark. 


There is something the sounds appealing in this, but I am not quite sure.   Years ago I was an avid camper.   I camped in Europe, out west, in national parks, and all over the northeast.   I was fully equipped with a stove, lantern, hatchet, etc.   Josh still has my trusty 30 year old six person canvass tent that we used when he was a little boy.


I wonder these days if I am too cranky to go camping.  The cold, the hot, the hard ground, the bugs, and maybe worst of all having to get up and leave the tent in the middle of the night to pee.   Eve will have none of it so I would have to go with the boys.  Or I could stay at the Sagamore.   Let me think about this.



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