04.04.2013 (4357 days ago)

Cameras are Watching

Cameras are Watching
4357 days ago 4 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:

     There is a “No Right Turn on Red” sign in my neighborhood that is, to say the least, annoying. There seems to be no justification for the prohibition on right turns on red at that spot. And, it is a long light. Oftentimes, I witness drivers stopping at the red light, looking around -- for cars and police -- and making the prohibited turn. Sometimes there's a police car lurking in the shadows.

      Do we obey laws -- or more-broadly -- do we act properly -- because of our inner morality, or is it the fear of getting caught? Without revealing much about me, I am more the “inner morality” type.

      As I watched the film of the Rutgers basketball coach acting out at practice, I wondered whether he was conscious of the camera filming the practice, and whether it would have made a difference. I recently had a case in which a home health aid knew that there was a camera and abused a patient -- all on camera.

      Surveillance cameras are becoming more and more prevalent. We are told that they are there to help catch the bad guys. I think about it when I am walking in Times Square and wonder whether the presence of the cameras changes my behavior.

      Perhaps I should smile more.

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