11.27.2017 (2657 days ago)

Cameras Down

Cameras Down
2657 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I am hoping that this blog is not read as a political blog. Rather, I hope it’s read as a blog about family.


I was saddened to see pictures, on the internet, of Malia Obama tailgating before a Harvard football game. There were allegations that she was doing much more than tailgating, but, when I realized what I was looking at I quickly clicked off of the website. I remember how difficult freshman year at college was for me, living away from my family for the first time, making a new set of friends etc. I cannot imagine how much more difficult it would be knowing that I had paparazzi taking pictures of my every move.


In my opinion, Ms. Obama is still an adolescent and should be left alone by the paparazzi as she navigates this challenging new chapter in her life.  Apparently, this is a bipartisan issue as both Ivanka trump and Chelsea Clinton came to her defense on Twitter, equally tweeting that Ms. Obama should be off limits to the paparazzi. Many celebrities would probably agree as Jenifer Garner and Halle Berry battled for years and finally succeeded in having California pass an anti-paparazzi law for anyone attempting to record or photograph a child because of their parent or guardian's employment in a threatening or annoying manner.

While Ms. Obama is no longer, legally, a child,  the consideration should be the same: her notoriety is a result of her father’s choice to seek public office. Her private activity should be off limits to the paparazzi.   She should be given the latitude to make the same mistakes we all made while in college without the lenses of the paparazzi pointed at her.


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