Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
05.26.2017 (2844 days ago)

Caller ID

Caller ID
2844 days ago 31 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

As our communication systems evolve and become ever more sophisticated I believe actual communication suffers. 

When I was young we had telephone operators who said "Number please?" and shared our telephone service on a "Party Line".  In those days talking (or just listening) was a treat and a long distance call was cause for excitement and shouting. 

Now, alas, things are far different.  When the phone rings now I am told people (you know who you are)
cower incognito and wait to look at caller ID or listen to the voice on the answering machine. 

There is no surprise, pleasant or otherwise, or spontaneity.  It is downright anti social.

If this is progress please take me back to the good old days.

Number please!

Are you listening?

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Posted By : hydrajet