Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.11.2020 (1641 days ago)


1641 days ago 26 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I admit that I have been a life long sucker (there’s that word) for a bargain.  I am drawn to one like Icarus to the sun.
So it’s no surprise that I love CVS!

I love the discount certificates that come when I pay.  I love the discounts that come by email and when I click on them go straight to my CVS card.

I love that I can find almost anything in the well stocked stores.

I love the 2 for 1 sales.

And after a “calm down” tutorial from my wife Joanne, I now love the self check out too.

To sum up, I always leave CVS feeling like a real winner!

P.S. CVS, feel free to use this as an unsolicited testimonial!

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