Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
07.22.2022 (966 days ago)


966 days ago 38 comments Categories: Health Tags:

I tested positive for COVID less than 2 weeks ago.  

Since the inception of the COVID 19 Pandemic I had been unscathed. 

As time passed, I think subconsciously, I felt immune.  Afterall, I had been vaccinated with 3 added 

Eventually, despite constant cautionary advice, I let my guard down.  For instance, I wore a mask less and less and regularly dined out indoors.  

I have tried to trace back to how I contracted it, but I am at a loss.  

Once the symptoms cropped up, I listened to advice and began taking Paxlovid (despite the Rebound chatter).  In my case it brought on a “not bad” condition, ie, as a consequence, the worst symptoms have been a hacking cough and phlegm on my chest.  To date, I have not experienced the Rebound. 

I tested again after the passage of 6 days of quarantine and, glory be, it came up NEGATIVE (up is down and down is up)!!!

One of the most disappointing aspects of this ongoing unfortunate experience was my transmission of COVID to my wife Joanne and her friend who we visited.  For this and much of the above, I am truly sorry! 

I try to find silver linings and hope the hard earned antibodies and experience protect us going forward. 

And thank you to all the well wishers who kept up a constant stream of positive vibes!

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