Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
08.02.2024 (225 days ago)

COVID 2024

COVID 2024
225 days ago 30 comments Categories: Health Tags:

I am presently recovering from my second, lifetime, case of Covid and the unpleasant experience warrants a cautionary blog.  

Last Wednesday night, after burning the candle at both ends for too long, I ventured into the city for our annual rooftop (thank you Sylvie) New York Health & Aging Summer meeting.  

I hitched a ride with Ben Geizhals along with wife Flo, Odey Raviv and my granddaughter Maggie. 

I had no symptoms, but felt run down.  

I enjoyed the night mixing with many Gothamites old and new, spending most of the night outdoors on the beautiful Maison Beljanski terrace.  

When I got home I was spent and felt something coming on through the night.  I tested positive in the morning, contacted my doctor and was soon taking the Paxlovid he prescribed.  

I determined to give myself the best chance to recover and therefore rested as best I could, passing on swimming and other exercise.  

I immediately notified everyone I came into contact with Wednesday night and fortunately, to date, none, other than Flo, Odey and Ben, have tested positive.   Thus, Maggie and Joanne are, so far, unscathed.  

I am very sorry for infecting those above and those I endangered!

I think I contracted the virus at an indoor Hot Tuna concert the previous Sunday night.  

Some observations:

Paxlovid dulls one's taste

Consider testing when run down

Cover your mouth when coughing

Consider wearing a mask

Stay away from indoor concerts 

PS: Ironic that it unfolded at the New York Health and Aging Group!

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Comments from Guests
Oh no! Feel better soon - I had my second case of covid last month and it has been rampant here in CA. Paxvolid does indeed make stuff taste funny!

Posted By : JJ Snow

Having also recently recovered from my second lifetime bout of Covid, your commentary has elicited some thoughts I will share. We’re all aware, especially during this time of increased COVID incidences, that when we go out to concerts and public venues, but even socialize in small groups, we run the risk of becoming infected. Most of us choose to ‘live our life’ (unless immune compromised or need to be more cautious for other reasons) with the knowledge that we may get sick. Although I was unable to go on a long anticipated and favorite summer trip with family as a consequence of Covid, I didn’t blame anyone for my illness or harbor any resentment for having contracted the infection. However, I, too, contacted all the people with whom I had come in contact with to let them know I had Covid. I did so with such a sense of shame. In fact, although I’ve never actually had this experience, I felt like I was contacting x-boyfriends to alert them that I had an STD! While I didn’t place blame on anyone I had been with when I got Covid, I still felt guilty for potentially infecting others!
My last response to your thoughts. Paxlovid is awful. Since I took it both times I had Covid, I’m not sure what Covid would be like without it. Yet, other than a fever and lethargy, I didn’t really have any symptoms most recently. The residual taste from the medication had to be much worse than Covid symptoms themselves. Please remind me next time not to take it!

Posted By : Monique Ruane

Love you, Buddy! Going to chastise you. You do too much for a man your age. Cut back a bit. Won't hurt. I want to get to know you better so we both must be around for few more years.

Posted By : Louis Petrone