Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
12.14.2012 (4467 days ago)


4467 days ago 0 comments Categories: News Tags:

The news struck me like a shot to the gut. I felt sick to my stomach when I heard what happened in Sand Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. It is so senseless. Facebook and Twitter have been burning bandwidth with an outpouring of grief, sadness and anger. I've seen demands for stronger gun control and people defending the second amendment.


No matter what you think of guns, one cannot turn away from the fact that a 24 year old took the lives of 26 individuals, 20 of them children and one of them his Mom. It is a tragedy beyond comprehension.


As the details surface over the days and weeks ahead, we'll all be trying to put this in some kind of perspective.


When you get the chance...hug your kids.

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