05.06.2019 (2123 days ago)

Breaking the Connection

Breaking the Connection
2123 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


My son recently broke up with his longtime girlfriend. I have been talking to him endlessly to help him through the process of healing from the hurt. In doing so, I have realized that it is much more difficult for the kids of today to break that connection and begin to move forward.



When I was young, when a relationship ended, you just stopped calling the other person or seeing one another. And, once you did so, you could begin moving on. Today, young people not only have to stop calling, but they must also stop texting and facetiming. As for seeing one another, it’s no longer as simple as just avoiding places where the other person may be. Now, in order to avoid seeing one another, they must unfollow one another on Facebook, Instagram, and Snap Chat. They still may “see” one another on mutual friend’s social media, something that is almost impossible to avoid.



Breaking a connection with someone else has never been easy. But, in today’s world, in order to truly break up with someone young people must break numerous connections. Am I correct in believing that technology has made the breaking up process much more difficult?

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