Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
03.24.2023 (711 days ago)

Boys Night Out

Boys Night Out
711 days ago 25 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

On Wednesday night I facilitated a "Boys Night Out".  

Of course, we are no longer Boys, but we like to think of ourselves as such and maybe we act it at times.  

In any case, we were an eclectic group of 6 guys (pictured). 4 from New York, one from New Orleans and one from Kentucky and, not coincidentally, 4 Liberals and 2 conservatives.  

There was no pre planned agenda for the night and the discourse devolved to politics which one of the attendees described as "pretty rough". For sure, it was animated! 

Another attendee said "Thanks so much for a very interesting dinner with a more diverse political group than I'm used to. It actually is more interesting to have discussions with those that don't agree with you than those that do. You put together a well spoken group with diverse opinions which created thoughtful conversations. I look forward to our next encounter."

I agree. Good food and people when put in combination with a liberal dose of alcohol is good for the mind and soul. 

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Comments from Guests
Wow, my general rule is to avoid political and religious talk with diverse groups, but sounds like you had the right mix and all walked away still friendly!

Posted By : Crysti Farra