02.23.2023 (732 days ago)

Booking on line

Booking on line
732 days ago 3 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Yesterday morning the announcer on WNYC reminded listeners that it was the last day to apply for the 2023 New York City Marathon. As I heard the brief announcement, I was preparing for a deadline of my own — it was the day that we can reserve our timeshare for next year. Experience has taught me that availability quickly evaporates so it’s best to be ready to click the link at exactly 9 a.m. on the Wednesday fifty two weeks before the week that you want to book.
I guess it is kind of like trying to get concert tickets.
And anxiety sets in. I’ve experienced website freezes.  The alternative of telephoning is no alternative at all.
So I set up for my annual ritual. My computer and iPad logged in. (One year the website froze on my computer. Luckily, my iPad was nearby and I was was able to log on as my computer continued to show no movement. Since then, I have both ready to go.)
The clock clicks down and the icon hovers over the link. Finger is poised on the mouse. Heart is pounding.
The digital clock turns. Click. Freeze. Try the iPad. Old Faithful to the rescue.
Can’t wait till next year.

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