Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
05.17.2019 (2133 days ago)

Book Group Dinner

Book Group Dinner
2133 days ago 24 comments Categories: Books Tags:

I belong to an all male book group.  It is headed by my muse, Jay Gould.   Inasmuch as it was originated by a bunch of Sea Cliff and neighboring guys I have dubbed it the North of 25A Book Group.  It is a highly eclectic group and it’s amazing how far afield we can wander when we get together periodically to discuss the chosen book.  I wonder if the experience is similar in Female Book Groups?

Let’s just agree that what’s said at Book Group stays at Book Group!  Right Skip?

Anyway, last night we convened at the World famous Friars Club in New York City for dinner (menu pictured) and to discuss author Jeffrey Sussman’s latest book:  BOXING AND THE MOB, The Notorious History of the Sweet Science.

The tell all book is peppered with inside stories and spans much of 20th Century boxing history and as an innocent boy I recall listening to or watching many of the fights mentioned.

Who knew the fights were fixed?  Who knew that the Mob controlled the fight game?  Who knew?

Being the scion of a Damon Runyon character it was a miracle that I eschewed gambling.  Otherwise I would have been ruined.

The book was quite an eye opener, as was the discussion that followed Jeffrey’s presentation.

Our return to the Friars Club was quite enjoyable as was the new Chef Daniel's food.

One last note, although I must observe Omerta, we also discussed Bob Dylan, who Jeffrey knew in the early 70s.

All in all, it amounted to a potent, fun filled Boys Night Out!

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