Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.23.2016 (3091 days ago)

Book Clubs

Book Clubs
3091 days ago 16 comments Categories: Books Tags:

I belong to 2 Book Clubs, yet I do not read.  Rather, I  commute to the city by car and listen to books on CD.  It is a very nourishing way to pass the time.

I belong to an all male book group which is presently reading James Kaplan's great biography:  Sinatra: The Chairman. I also belong to the Gotham Book Club. 

The Gotham Book Club is the brain child of my daughter in law Julie Klein and Co Chaired with her by John Buscarello. 

On Wednesday the Gotham Book Club met at the Friars Club for lunch with author Lauren Acampora to discuss her deliciously creepy book:  The Wonder Garden.  Her book is set in a small North East Town and is a collection of connected short stories. 

The author looked (see photo above) and acted normal.  Her stories were not.  She was so articulate, responsive and animated!  She even sang! It was a very special magical lunch.  Consider joining us for the next lunch on November 16th when the author of Never Say No To A Rock Star will preside.

Presently, I'm listening to the bio of Elon Musk.  Fascinating young man!

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