Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.08.2021 (1254 days ago)

Bob Formica Memorial golf Outing

Bob Formica Memorial golf Outing
1254 days ago 37 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

Admit it!  You’re all Zoomed out and thirst for in person (Water Cooler) experiences.  

Well Gotham gets it and delivers!  In the space of less than a month Gotham has held 3 in person (Water Cooler) events: the 9/11 Yankee/Met game at Citl Field, the 9/25 Picnic at Alley Pond Park and, best of all, our annual (except for last year) Bob Formica Memorial Golf Outing yesterday at Engineers Country Club in Roslyn. 

Of course the weather was absolutely perfect, as was everything else.  

It was so good to be together with our fellow networkers and guests!

And it was Corey’s Birthday!

All this because of the magic of Norm Spizz (pictured) and his committee.  

If you were there you are in the know and if not there is so much more that happened and to say, but best leave it until our next (11/9) Water Cooler event :)

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