11.01.2015 (3402 days ago)

Blog number 312

Blog number 312
3402 days ago 5 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:

At dinner with my son Max the other night he brought up the subject of my blogs. One day he said, he is going to sit down and read them all. Otherwise, he said, he may not read them until after I am dead and then I won't be around for him to discuss them with me. A fair thought.


My son Josh reads them each week, I am pretty sure. He doesn't comment though.  He did like to comment on Erik's blogs but only because he disagreed with Erik a lot and he liked to make trouble. But Josh does encourage me from time to time and it is good to get the support. I am not sure though if it is because he likes what I write or it just gives him something to do when he is bored at work.


My daughter Hilary doesn't read them unless there is one in particular that I think may be of interest in which case I email it to her. That's Ok. She has a full time job and two little ones at home so she is busy.


I know that Eve doesn't read them anymore because when I write anything stupid, which I do, she calls me on it, and she hasn't now for some time. Probably good that way. It keeps us both happy.


I have a file in my office where I keep copies of what I write. It has gown into a pretty fat file. Sometimes it is fun to go back and read posts from ten years ago. Despite my complaining about it from time to time, it is fun to do.

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