Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
11.24.2012 (4489 days ago)

Black Friday

Black Friday
4489 days ago 0 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I overheard some people talking the other day as they were planning their shopping attack for black Friday. They were apparently going to start at 12 midnight (which is now late BTW). Black Friday has now started at 8P on Thursday. Maybe in the future they'll make it earlier...say around noon so Thanksgiving will be pushed back to Wednesday.


Wal-Mart reported the busiest black Friday ever even though people were protesting Wal-Mart's horrible record of workers rights outside the stores. The dow responded going over 13,000 and early signs are that this has exceeded last years sales by a lot.


I made a point to stay away although Jake had to work from 11P to 7A and said it was crazy busy.


Did you partake?

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