Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
11.19.2023 (480 days ago)

Black Coffee or not

Black Coffee or not
480 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Coffee, Espresso

Black Coffee starts the title of one of my fave tunes as well as the title of this blog.  A few weeks back we dined at our son's and coffee followed via his espresso machine.  Well Shelly decided she wanted one and dutiful daughter helped her mom place the order.  The device arrived ahead of the weekend and our son, Jonathan and daughter-in-law Carrie visited to help Shelly properly set it up.  It also required a drive to pick up Coffee Beans; grinded beans are part of the equation.  It makes coffee, americano, espresso, latte' and cappuccino.  Should be fun.  It replaces a k-cup.


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