10.11.2015 (3423 days ago)


3423 days ago 2 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

We had a family dinner outing last night, Eve, my sister Alison, son Joshua and daughter in law Lisa,and son Max and his girlfriend Jaymie. It was a celelbration for Max and his success in law school.


Not that we need a reason to all go out. But it did give us an excuse to visit Bischoff's, an ice cream parlor in Teaneck, NJ where I  grew up. Ever since my kids were little going to Bischoff's has been a ritual. I have been going there since I was too small to even see over the counter. When I was a little older and could drive my father would send me out to buy a few quarts of ice cream, hot fudge and wet walnuts and bring them all home.


So we went there last night, and poor Lisa, who is expecting a baby in February, and who has a terrible cold but can't take anything for it, was going to cry she felt so bad. Her eyes were red and teary and she looked sick and so sad. She said she just wanted to go home and get into bed.


Then the waitress came with our orders. Coffee Royale with hot fudge and wet walnuts for me.  We should eat fast, I said, Josh needs to take Lisa home.


And then they brought out Lisa's order.  A heaping portion of ice cream and fudge on top of two brownies falling out of the dish. She dug in. And all of the sudden her eyes were not so red or teary and she didn't look so sick and even smiled for a minute.


Just goes to show, ice cream = happiness.  : )

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