Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
11.27.2015 (3380 days ago)


3380 days ago 11 comments Categories: Books Tags:

My favorite type of reading (or listening to CDs, as the case may be) is a good biography about the life of an interesting person.

Recently I finished those of Whitey Bulger and Oprah and I'm now reading about my former Syracuse classmate Lou Reed. 

Favorites have been about the lives of Truman, Lincoln (Team of Rivals), TR, FDR, Mickey Mantle, Ted Williams, Stalin, Putin, Einstein, Cynthia Lennon, Cleopatra, Sinatra, Clinton (I could not finish it),Rod Stewart, Keith, Pope Pius, Walt Disney, Andrew Jackson, Marco Polo, Wright brothers, Edward R. Murrow, Ben Franklin  and Alexander Hamilton.

Hamilton had an amazing life which made for an amazing book which made for an amazing transformational cultural event.  Quite a trifecta!

It ends up that certified genius Lin-Manuel Miranda was browsing a book store and picked up Chernoff's great Alexander Hamilton biography for vacation reading and the rest was alchemy, as he was somehow inspired to create the Broadway Rap musical smash. 

The one thing I have in common with Lin Manuel is that I find biographies inspirational.

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