Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.29.2023 (525 days ago)

Binging on Suits

Binging on Suits
525 days ago 19 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

We have just finished our month long binge on the 134 episodes of the 2011-2019 law firm TV series Suits, which mostly appears on Netflix and, inexplicably, has its final season on Prime.  

As mentioned in previous blogs, one of the compelling reasons to watch Suits is to witness Meghan Markle, who, for me, lit up the screen for 108 episodes over 7 seasons until she was drawn away for personal reasons. 

If you haven't seen Suits, rush to your big screen TV to see the incredible cityscape views in the openings and enjoy Mike (photographic memory), Louis (the perfect foil), Donna (the key character), Harvey (The Closer) and many more!

We will surely miss it, but we are enjoying the early episodes of almost equally compelling New Amsterdam.  

After all, the are no New York Sports teams to capture our attention :)

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Got us through Covid. We’re only on Season 3. Thanks for the tip. Meghan is royally talented.

Posted By : Joanne