Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.02.2016 (3111 days ago)

Big Sexy

Big Sexy
3111 days ago 9 comments Categories: Games Tags:

Big Sexy is the affectionate ironic nickname pinned on the Mets 43 year old 285 pound pitcher Bartolo Colon who has been the winning pitcher in 230 big league games in a MLB career which started in the last century (1997).

That's a lot to say about an ever smiling Dominican man who has become the people's choice. 

He can do no wrong!

He just has this wonderful easy rider way about him as he cheerfully goes about his business. 

What's more, I recently predicted on our Sportstalk list serve that he will win 300 games by the time he is 50 and earn consideration for Baseball's hallowed Hall of Fame.

I should know.  I'm still pitching at an even more venerable age. 

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Posted By : hydrajet