Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.21.2018 (2276 days ago)

Big Brother?

Big Brother?
2276 days ago 29 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

Is Big Brother from “1984” watching me?

Something is going on.  That much I know!

When we get in the car Sunday mornings my phone suddenly lights up and declares “13 minutes to Sea Cliff”, where we usually enjoy brunch at the Oak Room Tavern. Also, at the end of the work day, when I get into my car the phone reports “53 minutes to get home”.

I try not to reveal my location when requested to do so by apps.  So I do not comprehend.

Last week Siri actually asked me to give her my personal information.

Is my phone listening and watching me too?

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