04.21.2013 (4340 days ago)

Big Brother

Big Brother
4340 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The fallout from Boston this past week included among other things whether we are entering an era of Big Brother, and if so, is that such a bad thing.  Without the cameras, how long would it have taken law enforcement to figure out who was responsible for the bombing?  They could have left the country by the time they were identified.

While I count myself among the civil libertarians, street cameras really don't bother me.  When I see them I wave and smile.  I have only done something I shouldn't have on the street one time that I can remember, and I was very very young and had way too much to drink and just had to go very bad.


I dont go where I am not supposed to either.  So I am not too worried about inadvertently being caught on tape.  And if you are out in public, you are out in public.  What right of privacy do you expect to have in the middle of Times Square?


If the cameras catch the bad guys, keep them rolling.

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