Gotham is a Business-Social Networking group. Or is it a Social-Business Networking group?
Which ever it is it sure has a lot of value added Bells and Whistles in its 18th year.
We start with our World Class Fredslist "Magic Wand" list serve which has proven its amazing ability to conjure up just about anything needed or requested.
The magic continues with our special thematic list serves covering politics, sports, flicks, music, self serving promotions, left handedness, softball (we have 2 teams: the Bombers and Batmen which just won its first Championship) and our Gotham Book Club.
Our special events range from our Battle of the Bands, Highline tours, Wine and Chocolate tastings, Film Festival, GOtham Green Awards, Karaoke, Bob Formica Golf Outing, Spring and Winter Cocktail parties and last week's free picnic.
We also support the Gotham Foundation through our Season of Giving initiative. Last year we gave out four $5500 grants at our Holiday party at our home base venue Friars Club and we are endeavoring to do so again.
What's more, we are just getting started and are open to almost any suggestions (with an important caveat).
Did I forget anything and how can we do better?
Posted By : hydrajet