09.10.2015 (3470 days ago)

Being Chosen

Being Chosen
3470 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

As I stood on the ballfield at the Gotham picnic/softball game a few weeks ago, I had a feeling that brought me back decades to the ballfields of my youth. Being in the group between the two "captains" who are picking sides.
I remembered the thoughts that went through my head when I was a kid. Whose team did I want to be on? When would I be chosen? Would I be one of the first to be picked or down on the list? I watched as the choices were made.
Happily all of those thoughts in my memory didn't stir my feelings on that day a few weeks ago. (But that could be the subject of another blog.)
Being chosen. Important to us as children and no less important to us throughout our lives.

Except maybe at a family pickup softball game.

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